Sound Archives, European Memories of the Gulag

© Sandra Kalniete
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- Title: Sandra and her mother, Ligita, in the streets of Togur just before leaving Siberia, spring 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
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- Title: Sandra and her mother on the shores of the Baltic, 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
Link to back
- Title: Sandra and her mother in Latvia, July 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
Link to back
- Title: Sandra’s mother (left) with her deportee friends in Latvia, July 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
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- Title: Sandra’s parents, Ligita and Aivars Kalnietis, a few weeks after their release, spring 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
Link to back
- Title: Sandra’s parents, Ligita and Aivars Kalnietis, a few weeks after their release, </br> Riga, spring 1957
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Sandra Kalniete
Link to back
- Title: Sandra aged 6, in Latvia, 1958
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue