Sound Archives, European Memories of the Gulag

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: The Kontrimaite family some months after their arrival in Bodaybo, Siberia, 1949. Marite is on the left.
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: The Kontrimaite family in Bodaybo, Siberia, 1950. (Marite, centre, sitting on her mother’s lap)
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: Marite’s father; first year in Siberia
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: Marite (1st row, 1st from left), her sister Regina (2nd row, 1st from left), in Bodaybo with other Lithuanian children
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: Marite’s father and his work brigade (1st row, 2nd from left), 5 September 1952
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: Marite’s mother
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: A boat in Bodaybo
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
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- Title: Marite’s father (1st row, centre) in Cheremkhovo, 1958
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
Link to back
- Title: As life got better: the Kontrimaite family in Bodaybo in 1952
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
Link to back
- Title: Before the return
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue

© Marytė Kontrimaitė
Link to back
- Title: Goodbye to the dog, before the return
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue