Sound Archives, European Memories of the Gulag
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- Title: Child working in the forest
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Irina Tarnavska (right) in deportation with her sister and grandmother in 1951
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Irina Tarnavska (below right) in deportation, 1951
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Irina Tarnavska (left) with her father and sisters in Siberia
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Families of resettlers in the wagon taking them to the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia, October 1951
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Siiri Raitar (top right), in her class in Siberia, 1951
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: An Estonian family in Siberia
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: A family of resettlers in 1952
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Famille d’un résistant lituanien déportée dans la région d'Irkoutsk en Sibérie, 1949
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Juliana Zarchi (centre) at school in Tajikistan
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Elèves de l’école de Khara Koutoul, république autonome de Bouriatie, en 1954
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Rimgaudas Ruzgys’s mother and sister Regina, 1953
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Rimgaudas Ruzgys’s mother and sister with friends
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Rimgaudas Ruzgys with children using tree-trunks to cross swamps, 1955
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: An orphanage for Polish children
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Funeral of Danuta Woyciechwska’s sister in Kazakhstan
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Siiri Raitar (top, 2nd left), first year at school in Siberia, 1949-1950
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue
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- Title: Family of a Lithuanian resistance fighter resettled in the Irkutsk region <br/> in Siberia, 1949
- Author(s): Inconnu
- Date: Inconnue
- Collection:
- Source: Sound Archives - European Memories of the Gulag
- Localisation: Inconnue