Solidarité Ukraine
INED Éditions. Sound Archives, European Memories of the Gulag

Ukrainian and Lithuanian women who became Siberian

Olga Vidlovskaia was removed from her home with her two young children in 1944, after her husband had been killed fighting the Red Army. She was deported to a place near Lake Baikal, moved to other resettlement sites and ended up in Nikilei, Siberia. She did not go back to Ukraine to live.

Vanda Valiutė was arrested in 1946 because her family were helping relatives resisting the Soviets and she was personally accused of passing messages. Sent to a camp in the Krasnoyarsk region, then to the notorious Kengir camp in the Kazakhstan steppe, she was put under house arrest on release, and finally managed to join her relatives who had been deported to a place near Lake Baikal, where she gave up her right to return. This non-return finally became a real return in 2022, when the Lithuanian authorities brought her home. She was 95 [Maps currently in preparation, not yet available].